Origins Ī map of the transatlantic slave trade Background Īpproximately over 12 million enslaved Africans from various ethnic groups were transported to the Americas from the 16th to 19th centuries ( 1514 to 1867) as part of the transatlantic slave trade. Other authors have different reasons why they capitalize or lowercase the first letter. Some authors spell Hoodoo with a capital letter to make a distinction from commercialized hoodoo which is spelled with a lowercase letter. The word has different meanings depending on how it is spelled. Recent scholarship publications spell the word with a capital letter. The word Hoodoo is sometimes spelled hoodoo. The Oxford English Dictionary cited the Sunday Appeal's definition of Hoodoo as an African dialect with practices similar to the mysteries of Obi ( Obeah) in the Caribbean. Hudu is also one of the dialects of the Ewe language of the Ewe people in West Africa. Another possible etymological origin of the word Hoodoo comes from the word Hudu which comes from the Ewe language spoken in the West African countries of Ghana and Togo. Another probable etymology is the Hausa word hu'du'ba which means resentment and retribution. The Akan word odu meaning medicine is also considered to be a possible etymological origin. Its origins are obscure but it's believed to originate as an alteration of the word voodoo – a word that has its origin in the Ewe and Fon languages of Ghana and Benin – referring to divinity. The first documentation of the word Hoodoo in the English language appeared in 1870. 7.2 Hoodoo in the African American Faith movement.7 Hoodoo and the Spiritual church movement.Regional synonyms for Hoodoo include conjure or rootwork. Practitioners of Hoodoo are called rootworkers, conjure doctors, conjure man or conjure woman, root doctors, Hoodoo doctors, and swampers. Following the Great Migration of African-Americans, Hoodoo spread throughout the United States. This tradition is part of the African-American cultural heritage of spirituality and religion. Hoodoo is a syncretic spiritual system that combines Christianity, Islam brought over by enslaved West African Muslims, and Spiritualism. During the transatlantic slave trade, about 40 percent of Africans taken to the United States were Bantu-Kongo. Many of the practices are similar to other African Diaspora traditions as the practices come from the Bakongo people in Central Africa. Hoodoo is an African Diaspora tradition created during the time of slavery in the United States, and is an esoteric system of African-American occultism. Hoodoo evolved from various traditional African religions and practices, and in the American South, incorporated various elements of indigenous botanical knowledge. ✨ readings can be pre-scheduled online click the link below.Hoodoo is a set of spiritual practices, traditions, and beliefs which were created and concealed from slaveholders by enslaved Africans in North America. ✨Please note that a mask will be required in order to enjoy the dark market. Beautiful handcrafted jewelry, soaps, pottery, organic treats for humans and pets alike, And oddities that will fulfill your spirit. While visiting the dark market, you will also be amongst some of the best local handcrafted vendors in the Mobile area.

You also have the ability to get tarot readings with Les Madames de Conjure South or mediumship readings with Queen Cotaliya. You may find yourself at the herbal apothecary where you will find over 100 herbs, roots, and leaves for alternative and natural healing properties. Enjoying live music, refreshments, and of course magic that your whole family can enjoy. Step back into The magical evenings of the Victorian and Edwardian era, Amongst French and French Creole socialites and mystics. You are invited to join us every second Friday here at The Dark Markets at Conjure South. Please Join Queen Cotaliya and Les Madames de Conjure South for another Grand night of ?LIVE MUSIC? - ?Refreshments ? - ? DIVINATION ? - HAUS READERS OF CONJURE SOUTH ✨Handcrafted Items✨. EVERY 2nd FRIDAY OF THE MONTH (FREE TO PUBLIC) DARK MARKETS at CONJURE SOUTH durIng DowntwonMobile Art Walk 5:00pm CT-10pmCT Conjure South 10 S Conception St Mobile,AL 36602.